Explore the theme of:

Ethical and Responsible Technologies

This section covers open-source hardware and software, digital maker practices, and considerations for responsible AI and technology approaches. Learn how these technologies can be effectively used by local communities to develop their own tools. Access resources addressing environmental issues such as air, water, soil, and sound pollution, and discover how to bridge the gap between high-tech efficiency and low-tech resilience for sustainable and socially responsible initiatives.

Utopia now

From: Vasilis Kostakis and Wolfgang Drechsler

Low tech material exploration with Davide Onestini

From: Fab Lab Barcelona in collaboration with the World Craft Council Europe

Distributd Design Vol.2 - Soft Circuits Toolkit

From: Catharina M. van Riet, Shibo Zou, Johannes T.B. Overvelde, and Frank L.M. Delbressine