General Readings

Business for Creative Practices:

Utopia now

From: Vasilis Kostakis and Wolfgang Drechsler

The essay discusses the relevance of William Morris's utopian vision, as depicted in his novel "News from Nowhere," in the age of the internet. It explores the concept of commons-based production, where resources are shared and managed by a collaborative community, enabled by information and communication technology. The essay highlights the shift from traditional capitalist models to open, cooperative initiatives like open-source software and collaborative manufacturing, emphasizing the importance of non-monetary incentives, mutual usefulness, and social cooperation. It suggests that this transformation has the potential to revolutionize production and social relations, reducing costs, and addressing resource limits while advocating for a shift in our attitude towards production. The essay acknowledges the challenges of countercultural movements but remains optimistic about their potential for a more equitable and sustainable future.