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Introduction to Distributed Design

Welcome to the Learning Hub's comprehensive guide to Distributed Design. Here, you’ll gain a thorough understanding of what it means to design and manufacture in a distributed manner. Discover the core values that drive our practice and learn how to integrate these principles into your own work. Whether you are new to the field or looking to enhance your existing design practice, this section is the perfect starting point.

Viral Design – Book

From: Distributed Design Platform

The Distributed Design Masterclass

From: Fab Lab Barcelona in collaboration with the World Craft Council Europe

Bridging The Creativity Gap

From: Fab Lab Barcelona in partnership with D&AD, ADCE, UOULU and KERSNIKOVA

Peer to Peer - The Commons Manifesto

From: Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis, Alex Pazaitis

Research and low-cost 3D printing with Secil Afsar

From: Fab Lab Barcelona in collaboration with the World Craft Council Europe

Driving Design Vol.II

From: Distributed Design Platform

Low tech material exploration with Davide Onestini

From: Fab Lab Barcelona in collaboration with the World Craft Council Europe